Monday, September 30, 2024

Pandora - Part 9

Life Outside the City.

If you leave the city of Pandora and venture out into the island, it's a bit like stepping back in time. Once you get about ten miles from the city, the quality of the roads can drop dramatically. The landscape is dotted by isolated farmsteads and the rugged estates of landed nobles. There are expansive dairy and sheep farms, as well as large agricultural farms. Potatoes, cabbage, kale, carrots, leeks, rutabega, bilberries and strawberries are all common crops on Pandora.

Rural villages are small, close-knit communities consisting of sturdy, well-fortified buildings. Water comes from wells or roof cisters. Electricity, if available, comes from gasoline, diesel or, most likely, bio-diesel generators and solar pannels. Wind farms are growing more popular as a power-source as well.

Most rural homes don't have telephone service, but many are equipped with CB radios and radio-phones. 

Automobiles may be banned in the city, but they are essential in the island's rural areas.Also, many rural residents are granted special dispensation by local magistrates to carry firearms, to protect their homes and properties from grendel attacks.

The further one travels from the city, the more rural and undeveloped the island becomes. The landscape is dominated by grasslands, cliffs and heaths with small isolated copses of trees. Wildlife is abundant. Feral sheep, rabbits, birds and foxes are commonly seen. There are small herds of deer and reindeer on the island.

There are also grendels.


Many visitors and newcomers to Pandora laugh at the tales of grendels, believing them to be a kind of local bogeyman.  This is untrue.  Grendels are real. They are described as large, terrifying beasts with a grotesque appearance possessing sharp claws, bad tempers and insatiable appetites.  (There are some who speculate that grendels could be a corrupt, feral form of yeti or sasquatch.) They are fast and ferociously strong. There have been reports of grendels tearing cattle in half.

Grendels are largely nocturnal and usually avoid groups of humans. However, they have been known to attack and kill solitary humans.  Because of this, most rural Pandorans are either home by sundown or, if they must be out, they travel in large, well-lit groups. (Grendels are extremely sensitive to bright light and loud noises. Mostly they'll run away from the source, but sometimes they'll fly into a rage and attack the source.)

The Pandoran Army and rural constabulary patrol the roads and villages, keeping a sharp eye out for any sign of grendels. If they find evidence of a group of grendels, the army may be ordered to track and eliminate the creatures.

Grendels are extremely territorial and a male grendel will not tolerate the presence of another male in his territory. Such encounters end in the death of one of the males.  Female grendels are tolerated, but they mostly keep to themselves until they go into heat.

Single births are the norm for grendels and the mother will feed and protect the child until it can care for itself. At that point, she will drive it off.  If it lingers or returns, she may kill and eat it.

Grendel sightings drop to zero during the winter months and it is speculated that the creatures go into hibernation during this time. This might also explain why grendle-human conflicts are most likely to occur in mid-spring, if the creatures wake hungry from their hibernation.

The origin of the grendels remains unknown. Local lore, however, suggests that the grendels are the children of Pandora herself. That she was seduced by the King of the Underworld, and the grendels were the result of their union. 

 Bilberry Fairies.

According to rural lore, wild bilberry bushes should never be bothered because they could belong to a bilberry fairy. The bilberry fairy is described as a tiny androgynous figure with hair the same shade as a fresh bilberry and diaphanous wings growing from their backs. Bilberry fairies have a special link to their bilberry bush; the berries from their bush are the only thing they can eat. If their bush is damaged or destroyed, the bilberry fairy will starve. Therefore, they are extremely protective of their bush and will even resort to lethal curses to protect them. In contrast, the bilberry fairy will also reward those who protect their bush, granting them good luck.  Bilberry fairies cannot abide the color yellow and avoid it like the plague. Because of this, farmers will tie yellow ribbons around their bilberry bushes to prevent them from being claimed by one of the fairies.


According to Pandoran lore, poskah are magical creatures resembling beautiful women or handsome men.  They are able to take on various forms - birds, fish, seals, turtles, even whales. Depending on their mood, they can either help or hinder people. Poskah are bound to the sea and cannot set foot on dry land without falling down dead.  Sadly, when some poskah catch a glimpse of a human they fall madly in love with them. If the human knows and can accept the poskahs magical nature and limitations, the love can survive and even thrive. But if they do not know, or cannot accept the poskah's nature, the poskah will be compelled to prove it by stepping on dry land and instantly dying. Their human lover will often be so overcome by guilt and grief that they then mourn themselves to death.

 Old Becillia.

According to island lore, there was once a cunning old woman named Becillia.  One night, she met the Devil wandering the streets of Pandora.  The Devil asked Becillia if she thought she was a good woman? Becillia countered by asking the Devil if he thought he was a good soul? They went back and forth like this for a long time, until the eastern sky began to grow bright. The Devil realized he had wasted his one night of the year in Pandora trading questions with Becillia. He got so angry, he barred her from his kingdom, then vanished in a cloud of fire and smoke. When Becillia died, she went to Heaven but was told she couldn't come in because she was wicked. She was sent down to Hell, but the Devil barred her from entering. With Heaven and Hell refusing her entry, Old Becillia returned to earth as a ghost.  They say she wanders the city to this day, hoping to meet the Devil again so she can apologize and finally find her eternal rest.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Pandora - Part 8

Media on Pandora.


Pandora has two broadcast television stations.  One is government-sponsored, while the other is independently owned and operated.  There are no cable television stations on Pandora or satellite television stations.

 Pandora Public Television(PPT) is a government-sponsored channel established in 1965. They operates from 6AM to 12PM, eight days a week, 360 days a year.  PPT provides mainly news, educational programming and cultural programs. (During the Silent Days of December, they show looped video footage of a snowstorm for the duration. It is one of their most popular programs.)

Island TV (ITV) is a privately owned television station established in 1995 and supported by ad revenue and a generous grant from the Royal Philanthropic Society. ITV operates from 4PM to 2AM.  Their programming focuses on entertainment and includes local talk shows, reruns of popular television programs imported from outside Pandora, locally-produced entertainment programs and live coverage of Eyfendrewbri Music Festival and the Burning Mime festival. (ITV was almost shut down in 1997 when they accidentally aired twenty minutes of a softcore porn film after midnight. A thorough investigation revealed that it was an accident and the station manager was required to apologize to the viewers.)


There are five radio stations on the island. By law, at least 60% of all material broadcast over Pandoran radio must be produced on the island.  As such, the airwaves are dominated by Pandoran artists. Four of the stations are based in the city, while one is based on the far north side of the island.

 FM Pandora - a popular radio station that plays a wide range of music. Most of the musicians they play are local and they broadcast live from the Eyfendrewbri Music Festival each year.

 KBTF (Knit By the Fire) Radio - the most popular radio station in the city, they play a variety of programs ranging from arts and culture to dramas and comedies.

 North Tip Radio(NTR) - the only radio station based outside the city, NTR is housed near the North Tip Naval Station on the northern side of the island. NTR is an independent station and it offers a mix of programs that appeal to Pandora's more rural populace.

 Seahorse Radio - a miniscule radio station in the Seahorse District playing mostly Celtic and Irish folk music.

 The Weather Station - a government-sponsored radio station that plays soft acoustic music between weather reports. (The live weather reports are read by Janetta Kocopell, who is commonly known as 'the Weather Lady.' It is generally agreed that she has the sexiest voice of any on-air radio personality in the island.)


Pandora is home to a number of local publications, including newspapers and magazines.

 The Witness - established in 1619 AD, The Witness is the main newspaper on the island. It covers general news, events and issues relevant to all citizens. The paper is printed three times a week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday).  It's offices and printers are located in Karcelle.

 The Playbill - established in 1892 AD, The Playbill is a weekly newspaper that covers local arts, music and events. It is published on Thursday.  The Playbill's offices are in the Carnival District.

 The Informer - established in 1960, The Informer is a monthly newspaper covering foreign news, events and issues of interest to Pandora's outsider community. The Informer's office and printshop is in Oceanview.

 The Bull Sheet - this zine-like publication first appeared on the streets of the city in 1994. To this day, no one knows who writes it or where it's published. The Bull Sheet is full of gossip and rumors, and often features saucy photographs or drawings that skirt the edge of public decency. (But it has an Excellent crossword puzzle!)

 The Guide to Arts & Festivals (GAF) - the GAF is published quarterly and is an essential guide to all the upcoming art events and festivals in Pandora. The GAF is published by the Ministry of Culture in cooperation with the Royal Philanthropic League and the Knitting Society.

 In addition to these publications, there are many more. Each district produces its own local publication, usually printed once a month, covering news and events of specific interest to local residents. 

There are a number of hobby and special interest publications (such as Knitting Knack, for knitting enthusiasts, or The Gastropandorica, a combination recipe book and guide to Pandoran eateries.), most of them published on a monthly basis.

There is also The Royal Magazine, published annually in December. This glossy magazine contains photos of and interviews with the members of the Pandoran Royal Family. In addition, the magazine comes with a lottery ticket to the New Year's Day Ball held at the Royal Palace.


The internet simply does not work on Pandora. There is no way to connect to the larger worldwide web, and the locals networks that do exist are military and government. Occasionally, tech enthusiasts try to get a larger local network going, but these efforts have always failed from lack of interest.


Cell phones don't work on Pandora, and radio phones are notoriously unreliable. However, landlines exist and are quite prevalent in the city.  Most homes and businesses are wired up for telephone service, and there are payphones scattered around the city. Most can be found outside of Underground stations.  It costs a half-rho coin to make a call from a payphone and reversing the charges on a call is not allowed. (Did you know that in Pandora, telemarketing and telephone surveys are illegal? It's true!)

Pandoran phone-lines do extend outside the city, but service can be spotty in rural areas. Also, there are no international telephone lines, so calling off the island is impossible.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Pandora - Part 7

The Economy

Despite its isolation, the Pandoran economy is quite vibrant. Fishing, farming and textiles are key industries.  Most everyday staple goods are produced on the island, however luxury and specialty goods are imported quite often. Oddly enough, most of these goods are not brought in by the Pandoran Ferry, but emerge from the Underground. Exactly where and how the King of the Underground sources these goods remains a mystery.

The unit of currency in Pandora is the humble rho. The rho refers to both paper money and coinage.  The smallest denomination is the half-rho coin, then the one rho bill and coin, the two rho bill, the four rho bill, the eight rho bill and the sixteen rho bill. The coins are silver while the paper bills are pink and blue.

Pandoran businesses do not take credit or debit cards, but personal checks drawn on a local bank are commonly accepted.

Visitors and newcomers to the island are surprised at the excellent rate when exchanging foreign currency for rhos. The exchange rate is set by the Ministry of Finance, which is responsible for the printing and minting of money, as wel as overseeing the Pandoran economy.  The Minister of Finance is appointed by the monarch and usually serves for life or until they retire, are replaced by a new monarch or become mentally incompetant.

Pandoran exports are mostly high-quality textiles, which are shipped out via the Underground. Clothing made from Pandoran wool commands a high price overseas.

Tourism is a fairly new industry in Pandora and, to date, extremely limited. Tourists are usually wealthy individuals attracted to Pandora by the rumors surrounding the island.  Given the limited space on the Pandoran Ferry (and the recalcitrance of the Captain), mass tourism is simply not feasible.  There has been some discussion of adding a second ferry that would handle the tourist trade, but this idea was immediately vetoed by the Ferry Captain and the King of the Underground.  No reason was given as to why this idea would be unfeasable, or why the Ferry Captain would have any input in the matter.

 Education on Pandora.

Pandora has a high literacy rate. Approximately 98% of the population can read and write and about 58% of the population speaks more than one language. 

Pandorans value education and children begin attending preschool at the age of five, and regular school at age six.  The Pandoran school day, however, starts at 10:00 AM and ends at 2:00 PM. From grades one through four, the Pandoran curriculum focuses on English, Mathematics, Art and Sport.  At the start of grade five, the curriculum shifts to Civics, History, Science and an elective class of the student's choice. 

At the end of grade eight, the student's overall academic interest and ability is assessed by the Ministry of Education. This is an important moment in a student's life. Those who have not displayed academic interest are directed toward trade school and practical apprenticeships. Those who have displayed academic interest and ability are directed toward a course of study to prepare them for higher education in grades nine through twelve.

It should be noted that Pandoran children attend school year round with week long breaks in March, June, September and December. 

Upon graduating from secondary school, Pandorans may attend one of three institutes of higher learning in the country.

The Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences - established in 895 AD, they currently offer courses in Fine Arts, Cultural Studies, History, Environmental Science and Psychology.

The Pandoran Institute for Commerice & Industry - established in 1478 AD, they currently offer courses in Business Studies, Marketing, Sustainable Practices, International Trade and Culinary Arts.

Queen Gwendolin College - established in 1617 AD by 'Good Queen Gwen', one of Pandora's most beloved monarchs, they currently offer courses in Literature, Performing Arts, Social Work, Urban Studies and Design & Architecture.

Pandorans seldom leave the island to attend higher education and when they do they often have difficulty establishing their academic credentials.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Pandora - Part 6

Law & Order

Pandorans have a very strong respect for the law and law-enforcement.  That said, the country's laws are a peculiar mish-mash of ancient and modern practices.

The monarch of Pandora enacts laws, often after lengthy consulation with various advisors, and also acts as the head of the judiciary. 

Pandoran laws are blunt and to the point. Most will fit on an index card. Copies of The Pandoran Book of Law are printed at the start of each year with any updates and are available in every public library.

The laws are enforced by the Pandoran Constabulary, more commonly referred to as blackjacks because of their shiny black coats and caps. The blackjacks are organized along military lines with ranks ranging from private to colonel.  Only the higher ranks, lieutenant and above, are allowed to carry firearms, but every blackjack is equipped with a heavy truncheon and trained to deadly effect in how to use it.

When someone is arrested for a crime, they are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. The burden of proof falls on the Office of the Prosecutor.  Defendents are required to have a lawyer represent them, and if they cannot afford one, the crown will appoint one from the Office of the Defense.  Most cases are handled in the Common Court, but serious cases (assault with weapons, rape, murder) are handled in the King's Court.  In Pandoran courts, the prosecutors and the defense present their arguments to a Court Magistrate in writing. This includes all evidence. The Court Magistrate reviews the evidence, then submits it to a three-person jury, called a tribunal, to determine guilt or innocence. If the defendant is found guilty, they will appear before a Sentencing Magistrate who will review the case and the convicted criminal's records, then pass sentence.   However, the sentence is then reviewed by a third judge, the Merciful Magistrate, who decides if their are mitigating circumstances that justify a lighter sentence.  If so, the sentence is adjusted. More often than not, though, the initial sentence will stand.

Pandorans do not believe in prison. They believe in punishment. Convicted criminals are subjected to fines, whipping and caning. Repeat offenders and chronic criminals face even harsher penalties.  Execution, however, is reserved for serious offenses, such as rape or murder. The most common form of exeuction in Pandora is hanging.

Many newcomers to the island are shocked at the brutality of the Pandoran justice system, but natives point out that the island has a remarkably low crime rate. 

Occasionally, an accused criminal will manage to escape from custody and flee to either the wilds outside the city or the Underground.  Those who flee to the wilds don'tusually last long as the crown considers such individuals automatically guilty and places large bonties on their heads. Those who flee to the Underground can sometimes manage to build a new life for themselves in service to the King of the Underground.  However, they can never set foot on the surface ever again or run the risk of being captured and hung.

 The Pandoran Military

Pandora has a small military consisting entirely of vollunteers. The military is divided into the Pandoran Army and the Pandoran Navy. Given the size of the island, the Pandoran military is quite small, only 350 people total.  The Pandoran Army is led by a single General, who reports directly to the monarch. The Pandoran Navy is led by a single Admiral, who also reports directly to the monarch.

Given the unique nature of the island, the Pandoran Navy performs mainly search and rescue operations, assisting fishermen and enforcing Pandoran maritime laws.

The Pandoran Army is more active, and can be called upon to assist the Pandoran Constabulary during times of unrest. They also assist in search and rescue operations outside the city, as well as disaster relief.

Although anyone born in Pandora can enlist in the military, the Army and Navy are dominated by so-called 'millitary families.'  These are families where successive generations have joined the Army or Navy.  These families are fiercely loyal to their respective military branches and the Pandoran Royal Family.

The Pandoran Royal Family is protected by a military unit, drawn from both Army and Navy, known as the Emerald Guard.  During formal state affairs, the Emerald Guards are easily identified by their dark green uniforms and proximity to the royals.  Joining the Emerald Guard is considered a tremendous honor among military personnel. Most of the Admirals and Generals overseeing the military have served in the Emerald Guard at one time or another.

Military personnel are allowed to carry firearms while on duty, but must secure them when they go off-duty. Military personnel who fail to do so face severe discipline.

 Pandoran Intelligence

Intelligence matters in Pandora are handled by the Office of the Question, which reports directly to the monarch. Known commonly as 'the Question', this organization operates at all levels of society within the city and without. There are rumors they even operate overseas and in the Underground, although there is no proof of this.  The head of the Quesion is known as the Eye, and reports directly to the monarch. The current Eye is Mrs. Elizabeth Caedshin, a quiet, genial lady in her fifties with a steel spine and a capacity for orchestrating strategic violence that her demure appearance belies. Although the Question has been implicated in several unusual accidents, there has never been any concrete proof to support the claims.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Pandora - Part 5

 The King of the Underground

Although the Pandoran Royal Family may rule most of the island, their authority stops below the surface. The Pandoran underworld falls under the authority of the King of the Underground, also known as His Subterrestreal Majesty.

Originally known as the King of the Underwold, when Pandora began building its underground transit system, he became known as the King of the Underground.

His origins are shrouded in mystery. Some say that the Kings of the Underground are a distaff branch of the Royal Family. Others say that the Kings are the descendants of Pandora herself, who retreated into caves when the first exiles arrived on the island. And there are old stories that the King of the Underworld was on the island before Pandora herself.

The King of the Underground has a delicious, sinister reputation. He never lets the Royal Family forget that they rule in tandem, and can become quite angry if he is disrespected. If anyone on Pandora digs a deep enough hole they have to pay the King of the Underground a tribute. Every rho that goes into the Underground, goes into His Subterrestreal Majesty's pocket.

The King of the Underground lives underground. Rumors say that he resides in a luxurious train cart that never stops moving along the rains of the Underground. Others say he has a subterranean palace that would put the Royal Palace to shame.

On very rare occasions, his Subterrestreal Majesty will come to the border of his kingdom to meet with a blood member of the Pandoran Royal Family. These meetings are rare and somewhat frought, and everyone agrees diplomacy is best carried out by representatives of the two monarchs.

Outside the city, the King is still referred to as the King of the Underworld. Farmers and homesteaders will leave offerings of food and drink in caverns and caves to placate the King. When a new well must be dug on a farmstead, the farmers and workers are very careful to toss coins into the hole, as payment to the King of the Underground.

Mother Justice and the Train Police

The laws of the King of the Underground are enforced, quite physically, by the Train Police. This force of men and women patrol the Underground, and take quick and decisive action to punish those who break the law.  Dressed in dark red uniforms with matt black helmets and armed with wooden cudgels, the Train Police give pause to everyone who travels in the Underground.  They seem to limit their activities to the trains and subway stations that comprise the Underground.

Presumably the Train Police live underground as they are never seen aboveground, either in uniform or out.  They are utterly devoted to the King of the Underground and anyone who besmirches him in their hearing is liable to get their teeth knocked out.

As a sort of counterpoint to the Train Police is the figure of Mother Justice. Mother Justice is a giant of a woman, over six feet tall, with a muscular physique and a battle-scarred, noble visage. She is more handsome than pretty with unruly dark hair tucked into a soiled coif. She wears a tattered skirt and cloak made from remnants of flags and a coarse white blouse with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows. She is barefoot and carried a heavy brass club.

Mother Justice has free reign of the Underground. She can go anywhere and none may stand in her way. Those who try often get bludgeoned into paste. In addition to the Underground, Mother Justice will sometimes be spotted in the city's sewers and cellars, marching purposefully on her mission to bring justice to the Underground.

According to local legends, Mother Justice is ageless and has an adversarial, but respectful, relationship with the King of the Underground. Why she seems bound to the Underground is anyone's guess, but she has carte blanch to mete out justice in that dark realm as she sees fit.

 The Long Stair and the Brass Door

According to legend, somewhere beneath Pandora, guarded by the King of the Underground is a long staircase that winds down, deep into the earth.  At the bottom of this stairwell is a door made entirely of brass.  The Long Stair and the Brass Door lead to hell.

Once a year, the Brass Door opens and the Devil climbs up the Long Stair. He walks through the Underground and then steps onto the streets of Pandora. The Devil wanders the streets of Pandora, noting the wicked and the good. Sometimes he will speak with someone and offer a bargain. The details of the bargain vary but if you accept it, they say it will cost you your soul. After causing some mischief, the Devil retraces his steps. He must be back in Hell before dawn arrives or he will be utterly destroyed.

Although the bulk of Pandorans laugh at this story, some take it quite seriously. There are always sly characters in the Underground Markets offering maps that lead the way to the Long Stair and the Brass Door. People question why anyone would want such a map? The answer is another story.

That once, the Devil's way up the Long Stair was blocked by a young man who refused to move unless the Devil granted him a wish. The Devil agreed and the young man asked for a long life. The Devil granted him long life and the young man moved aside. But the young man's long life was one of heartache and loss, so the Devil got his own back again.

Still, there are always people who think they can outsmart the Devil.