Hello gentle readers,
Well, we're about two weeks into the New Year, and I thought I'd take a look at how things are going so far.
For me? Not that bad. I have had an amazing uptick in creativity which has led to lots of personal writing, but nothing new for publication. I did proofread a friend's first Kindle book and even though the subject matter isn't my cup of tea (historial romance veering into fantasy), I thought it was well written if short.
I wish I could say that the larger world is having a good year, but between the fires in California, the blizzards on the East Coast and the continuing political and cultural divisions separating the country, I just don't see it. The world continues to fragment, the old orders clinging to power even as their foundations crumble beneath them.
However, I am not going to be a doomsayer. There are good things happening in the world too. People continue to be kind and generous in the face of disaster and want. Hamas and Israel just announced a cease fire agreement. Nine out of every ten cars sold in Norway last year were electric. A woman in China has lived to be 124 years old.
We're in a new year.
Anything can happen.
Even good things.