Monday, December 31, 2018

Lux Tenebris: Moontree - Part One

Seal of Moontree
Moontree is one of the oldest cities in Nur and it is the oldest city on the continent's west coast. It was established over twelve centuries ago by human refugees from the continent of V'resh.  When the humans arrived, they met the gnome clans who had lived in the region for millennia. It is highly doubtful the first settlement would have survived without the assistance of the gnomes.  However, relations between the two races would sour as the humans began to expand their colony into gnomish territories. Eventually, the gnomes would declare war on the humans and thus would begin a protracted conflict that became known as the Gnomeblood Wars.

            The Gnomeblood Wars lasted for almost forty years. Although the gnomes had superior numbers on land, and laid siege to Moontree for years, they had no naval power at all. The humans survived off of trade with V'resh and the Phoenix Kingdom and what they could harvest from the sea. Eventually, the war ground to an end. The humans, led by a battlemage named H'rin Sevov, allied with a dragon called Whitescale, to overpower the gnomes. In the end, only a single gnome tribe survived. Knowing they had lost the war, the gnomes invoked Redethal, the God of Destruction.

            Redethal answered their petition, laying waste to the entire region, killing everyone present. When travelers and traders returned to the area, they discovered the blasted ruins of the city and a countryside haunted by the tormented ghosts of those who had been killed by the God of Destruction. 

            Remarkably, a minor son of the Moontree family survived and pledged to rebuild the city.  Lanor Moontree and his heirs dedicated themselves to the task, which involved placating the restless dead as well as convincing folk to settle in the god-blasted region. It took centuries but Moontree was eventually restored to its former prominence and stature.

            However, as Moontree's material wealth and influence increased, there were concerns that the city's history would repeat itself. Lord Sarrel Moontree was aware of these concerns and whispers and worked to counter them, turning his attention away from the economic growth of the city, and toward more civic and diplomatic matters.  Lord Sarrel instituted sweeping legal reforms, guaranteeing the same rights and responsibilities to all citizens of Moontree, regardless of race or gender.  He invited paladins of Abasha, Goddess of Justice, to oversee the courts and empowered them to ensure that justice and fairness were observed at all levels of the legal system.

            It is Lord Sarrel who is widely credited with ensuring that Moontree did not remain as insular and closeminded as most of its neighboring communities. Indeed, Moontree became a haven for individuals who did not fit in with their families, clans and communities. The city established a reputation for tolerance and inclusion that no other city along the Gulf of Promises could match, and it became a haven for artists, poets and writers, as well as philosophers, radicals, heretics and revolutionaries.  And although Moontree never developed a significant college or university, its Artists Quarter became famous, and infamous, across Nur and V'resh.

            Moontree enjoyed a long history of prosperity and peace. And although the city maintained a strong navy, to defend against pirates and other nautical threats, its land-based defenses were not maintained as stringently.  As such, when the Draconic Invasion began, Moontree was caught by surprise as much as all the other cities in western Nur. They assumed that if the Draconic Empire was going to attack the city, it would be by water and so fortified their defenses facing Silver Moon Bay.  Their neglect of their terrestrial fortifications would have deadly consequences when the Empire attacked, not by sea, but by land.

            Led by General Akor Korkiri, the Draconic Legions marched across Nur and laid siege to Moontree with spell and sword.  The city's neglected fortifications were overwhelmed. The western fortifications fell and the dragonborn soldiers swarmed into the city. Lord Baris Moontree led the city's militia in a defensive battle, to give his subjects a chance to flee. His nobility cost him his life, but hundreds of Moontree's citizens escaped with their lives. Many fled by boat into the bay, while others ran south, seeking refuge in Krake.  General Korkiri set Moontree alight, then gathered his soldiers and their spoils and led them back east.

            It is widely speculated that General Korkiri's actions were not part of the Empire's formal battle plans, that his forces were dispatched with general instructions to harry local communities, to disrupt the morale of local populations.  The Draconic Empire never intended to hold Moontree, but attacked it as part of a larger strategy to destabilize the region.  If so, their efforts may have backfired.

            Moontree's survivors returned and began the process of rebuilding. Assistance and resources were provided from the neighboring communities of Krake and Astordo. With the death of Lord Baris, the only surviving son of the Moontree family is the youngest, Lavic Moontree, who currently resides in Darkwater and has no strong desire to return to the city. Needing leadership, the citizenry turned to Raul Sybrow, a paladin of Rasha, to govern them. He is aided by his wife, Lilah.

            Under the Sybrows leadership, Moontree has recovered far more quickly than anyone expected.  Also, unexpectedly, the city has adopted a war-footing, reaching out to its allies and trade-partners across the Gulf of Promises, hiring mercenary companies from V'resh to reinforce the city militia and contracting with dwarven engineers to repair and upgrade the city's defenses. The attack on Moontree has also had unexpected diplomatic and economic repercussions for the Draconic Empire.  Moontree's allies have invoked trade sanctions against the Draconic Empire and some, observing the Empire's actions in Western Nur, have expelled Imperial embassies from their own territories.

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