Monday, February 8, 2021


 I'm sitting in the living room, which I normally don't do, writing this. Normally, I stay downstairs in my bedroom because it's cozy and private. But today the house is empty and my room feels weirdly oppressive.

As I sit here, I can hear some critter running around in the attic above my head. We have rats up there, according to my roommate/landlord, and he is currently waging a protracted war upon them. He has used traps that snap and has advanced to poison. (Obviously, the poison isn't working because I can hear the critters scampering about. But then, I don't think the traps have been very effective either.)

There's supposedly a mouse in the kitchen as well, but he thinks he got that one. (I didn't have the heart to tell him that where there's one mouse, there's bound to be others.)

So far I haven't seen any sign of rodents downstairs. If they do invade my little area of the house, I may have to take steps of my own to knock off the little buggers.

But for now, I'm content to let J handle the matter.

For now.

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