Friday, September 27, 2024

Pandora - Part 6

Law & Order

Pandorans have a very strong respect for the law and law-enforcement.  That said, the country's laws are a peculiar mish-mash of ancient and modern practices.

The monarch of Pandora enacts laws, often after lengthy consulation with various advisors, and also acts as the head of the judiciary. 

Pandoran laws are blunt and to the point. Most will fit on an index card. Copies of The Pandoran Book of Law are printed at the start of each year with any updates and are available in every public library.

The laws are enforced by the Pandoran Constabulary, more commonly referred to as blackjacks because of their shiny black coats and caps. The blackjacks are organized along military lines with ranks ranging from private to colonel.  Only the higher ranks, lieutenant and above, are allowed to carry firearms, but every blackjack is equipped with a heavy truncheon and trained to deadly effect in how to use it.

When someone is arrested for a crime, they are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. The burden of proof falls on the Office of the Prosecutor.  Defendents are required to have a lawyer represent them, and if they cannot afford one, the crown will appoint one from the Office of the Defense.  Most cases are handled in the Common Court, but serious cases (assault with weapons, rape, murder) are handled in the King's Court.  In Pandoran courts, the prosecutors and the defense present their arguments to a Court Magistrate in writing. This includes all evidence. The Court Magistrate reviews the evidence, then submits it to a three-person jury, called a tribunal, to determine guilt or innocence. If the defendant is found guilty, they will appear before a Sentencing Magistrate who will review the case and the convicted criminal's records, then pass sentence.   However, the sentence is then reviewed by a third judge, the Merciful Magistrate, who decides if their are mitigating circumstances that justify a lighter sentence.  If so, the sentence is adjusted. More often than not, though, the initial sentence will stand.

Pandorans do not believe in prison. They believe in punishment. Convicted criminals are subjected to fines, whipping and caning. Repeat offenders and chronic criminals face even harsher penalties.  Execution, however, is reserved for serious offenses, such as rape or murder. The most common form of exeuction in Pandora is hanging.

Many newcomers to the island are shocked at the brutality of the Pandoran justice system, but natives point out that the island has a remarkably low crime rate. 

Occasionally, an accused criminal will manage to escape from custody and flee to either the wilds outside the city or the Underground.  Those who flee to the wilds don'tusually last long as the crown considers such individuals automatically guilty and places large bonties on their heads. Those who flee to the Underground can sometimes manage to build a new life for themselves in service to the King of the Underground.  However, they can never set foot on the surface ever again or run the risk of being captured and hung.

 The Pandoran Military

Pandora has a small military consisting entirely of vollunteers. The military is divided into the Pandoran Army and the Pandoran Navy. Given the size of the island, the Pandoran military is quite small, only 350 people total.  The Pandoran Army is led by a single General, who reports directly to the monarch. The Pandoran Navy is led by a single Admiral, who also reports directly to the monarch.

Given the unique nature of the island, the Pandoran Navy performs mainly search and rescue operations, assisting fishermen and enforcing Pandoran maritime laws.

The Pandoran Army is more active, and can be called upon to assist the Pandoran Constabulary during times of unrest. They also assist in search and rescue operations outside the city, as well as disaster relief.

Although anyone born in Pandora can enlist in the military, the Army and Navy are dominated by so-called 'millitary families.'  These are families where successive generations have joined the Army or Navy.  These families are fiercely loyal to their respective military branches and the Pandoran Royal Family.

The Pandoran Royal Family is protected by a military unit, drawn from both Army and Navy, known as the Emerald Guard.  During formal state affairs, the Emerald Guards are easily identified by their dark green uniforms and proximity to the royals.  Joining the Emerald Guard is considered a tremendous honor among military personnel. Most of the Admirals and Generals overseeing the military have served in the Emerald Guard at one time or another.

Military personnel are allowed to carry firearms while on duty, but must secure them when they go off-duty. Military personnel who fail to do so face severe discipline.

 Pandoran Intelligence

Intelligence matters in Pandora are handled by the Office of the Question, which reports directly to the monarch. Known commonly as 'the Question', this organization operates at all levels of society within the city and without. There are rumors they even operate overseas and in the Underground, although there is no proof of this.  The head of the Quesion is known as the Eye, and reports directly to the monarch. The current Eye is Mrs. Elizabeth Caedshin, a quiet, genial lady in her fifties with a steel spine and a capacity for orchestrating strategic violence that her demure appearance belies. Although the Question has been implicated in several unusual accidents, there has never been any concrete proof to support the claims.

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