Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Semor Illreg

SEMOR ILLREG, L18 Dragonborn Mastermind

STR     10 (+0)
DEX    16 (+3)
CON   12 (+1)
INT     13 (+1)
WIS     10 (+0)
CHA   20 (+5)
HP       109
AC      14 (Leather armor)

Draconic Ancestry: Silver
Breath Weapon: Cold
Damage Resistance: Cold
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elvish, Thieves cant

Proficiencies: +6
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple, Hand x-bows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
Tools: Chess set, Disguise kit, Dice set, Forgery kit, Thieves tools
Saves: Dexterity +9, Intelligence +7
Skills: Deception +17, Insight +6, Investigation +13, Persuasion +17, Stealth +15

Criminal Contact
* * *
Sneak Attack (9d6)
Cunning Action
Roguish Archetype: Mastermind
- Master of Intrigue
- Master of Tactics
- Insightful Manipulator
- Misdirection
- Soul of Deceit
Uncanny Dodge
Reliable Talent
Slippery Mind

Shortsword(2). Melee; +9 to hit; deals 1d6 +3 piercing; Finesse, Light.
Daggers(2). Melee; +9 to hit; deals 1d4 +3 piercing; Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60 ft).
Leather armor. Light armor; AC 11 + Dex.
A burglar’s pack, thieves tools, crowbar, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, a belt pouch w/15 gp.

Semor Illreg grew up in Kargoth-Denn, the capital of the Draconic Empire. A member of an unremarkable clan, Illreg grew up in the Low Wards of the city. In school, he displayed an unusual facility for languages. That, and his personal charisma, attracted the notice of one of his instructors, who had ties to the Ministry of Imperial Intelligence. At the completion of his primary education, Semor was approached and recruited by that organization. His education continued, but was expanded. Apprenticed to a senior agent, Illreg learned how to identify, infiltrate and interact with Kargoth-Denn’s criminal underworld.  He leaned how to use his natural talents to decieve and inveigle himself into the lives of his targets. When he completed his apprenticeship, Semor’s first assignment had him infiltrate a pirate crew for a year. During this time, he established a number of useful contacts.
Semor rose steadily through the ranks of the ministry, until he was no longer a field agent. Instead, he recruited and ran a network of field agents. Before the Draconic Invasion began, Semor was tasked with establishing an intelligence network in the west, to ferret out exploitable weaknesses and vulnerabilities among the nations beyond the Tallshields.
When the invasion began, Semor was assigned to General Pretek’s staff as his spymaster. Semor immediately assessed Pretek as competant, albeit a plodder. Privately, Semor doubted the general’s ability to manage the campaign, but he kept his opinions to himself and offered what advice he could. 
As the western campaign began to falter, Semor sent word to his superiors in the Ministry that they should prepare for the worst. He continued to do his best for Pretek and the Legions, but it was hard going. The intelligence network he had established in the west had fractured and dissolved; his operatives were being killed or were providing bad intel.
After the Tarasque Incident, Semor realized that Pretek was completely out of his depth. He took it upon himself to try and salvage the campaign by arranging the general’s death. With Pretek out of the way, General Zenn assumed command and the nature of the Draconic campaign changed.
As Zenn has focused on securing captured territories, Semor has focused on identifying and eliminating rebel elements within those areas.  He has become aware that Arkag Redeye is quietly working against Kannar Atokis, and is trying to draw him into his circle. Semor is somewhat amused by the old wizard’s attempts at subtlety. However, if Redeye does move against Kannar, Semor would probably stop the old fool. By that same token, Semor realizes that Redeye is a valuable resource for the campaign and would stop Kannar from killing the wizard.
The fact that he finds himself policing his colleagues instead of focusing on the campaign is starting to grate on Semor. He may, at some point, go to General Zenn with his concerns. Until then, Semor will soldier on, doing the best he can for the campaign and his nation.

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