Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Winter Came Today

Winter came today,
heralded by frosty winds
and misty plumes of breath.

Cold-fingered, it came,
holding to December's hand,
a terrible child.

Winter took the throne,
and the Months showed it honor,
some more than others.

Winter did not care.
Its heart was cold, sharp as ice.
Its soul a black night.

Winter came today.
and it took the Season's Throne,
to begin its reign.

#haiku #winter 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Season of Bones

Winter approaches,
heralded by the long night,
the season of bones.

All the green gods die,
cut down by the sacred blades
of their own clergy.

But the world weeps not,
now that winter holds her heart.
Cold. Uncaring. Cruel.

But the folk light fires,
on hilltops and in the dells,
to quicken her heart.

And blood is offered,
from the altars, from gold cups,
to sustain the world.

The long night passes.
The world's heart is rekindled,
and the green gods live.