Monday, February 18, 2019

Atela, The Last Kingdom

Atela is a grim land. Bound by mountains and oceans, the kingdom is besieged by dark forces. Starving giants lumber out of the Icewall Mountains in the west.  During the nights of the full moon, the elves emerge from their world to make mischief and murder.  On dark nights, sinister dwarves crawl out of the ground and go about their own business. Witches and warlocks  make pacts with the Devil for power, terrible beasts prowl the Dark Wood, while angry ghosts rise from unhallowed graves to wage war against the living.

But Atela's people are not defenseless. The Church and Crown defend the people with strength of arms and divine magics.  They hunt giants and beasts and elves, battle warlocks and heretics and exorcise demons and devils.

But there is little the Church or Crown can do against the endless cold that lays siege to the entire world. Winters in Atela are long, while summers are short.  The lands to the north and east, beyond the Icewall Mountains, have fallen to cold and snow. It has been more than ten years since a foreign ship arrived on Atela's shores.  Many people believe that Atela is the last bastion of humanity, on a world growing colder and darker with each passing year.

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