Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Red King & The Cheshire Cat

The Red King ran around the room,
his manner all aflutter.
His servants and advisors,
clearly heard him utter:

"The day is long,
the night is cold,
where is the fun in that?
Let's turn the night
and day around,
and seek the Cheshire Cat!"

So the court gathered,
and searched the castle,
seeking the Cheshire Cat,
but all they found was
a note inside a strangely-striped

"The Red King's mad,
and that's too bad,
for all your kith and kin.
You should be mad,
'cause you've been had,
you imbecilic men!"

That's when the people knew,
the Cat was right,
and the Red King was insane,
but better to humor 
the mad king's whims,
than try to take the reigns.

So they ignored the Cat,
and served their king,
with loyalty and zeal,
and when he had their heads
lopped off,
not a one of them 
could squeal.

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