Tuesday, February 9, 2021


 So, I have had a bottle of vodka and some lemonade and I am quite drunk as I write this. Please forgive any mispellings because, well, I'm smashed off my tits.

I suppose that I shouldn't be writing at all, but I have said I 'm going to write something here every day for a year. So, this is what I'm writing. If you don't like it, go read someone else's blog. Ha!

Why do I drink? Well, why shouldn't I drink? Why shouldn't we all have a drink? It can be relaxing and it can release our inhibitions so tha we say what's on our minds without that pesky editor in the way. Honestly, when I drink, I think I become more truthful. Also, horny. Booze just seems to set off my libido in a way that wine does not.

Sadly, I am meant to get up tomorow and take my friend out to do his laundry. Thank God we have scheduled this for later in the afternoon, because the morning is going to be completely out of the question. Honestly, 2PM might be too fucking early. Ha!

Anyway, here is today's entry. Enjoy. If you have some booze in your house, pour yourself a glass and join me in a virtual slug. 

I shall talk with you all tomorrow.

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