Sunday, February 21, 2021

Less a Pleasure, More an Obligation

On Sunday evenings, I get together with a group of friends. We play games: tabletop RPGs, cards, board games.  It's generally a nice time and I usually look forward to it.

But today, the sun was out and the sky was clear and the thought of gaming just didn't inspire excitement or joy. Perhaps, because of the weather, game night felt less like a pleasure and more like an obligation.

And then, game night was cancelled. Two of the group weren't able to attend and our host wasn't feeling well. It was probably something he ate. So, all of a sudden, I have the night to myself.

And what do I do with this wonderful free time? I drive. I drive out to the overpriced book store in the fancy schmancy mall on the northeast side of town. I drive to a cool little gas station I know of that has the BEST hamburgers. And then, I drive home.

And now I'm sitting in my bedroom, on a second-hand couch that is super-comfy. I've showered and my scalp is still a bit damp. The lights are off and I have a couple of candles burning, as well as some lotus incense.

And I'm sitting here, typing this, feeling cozy and warm and generally content.

There are worse ways to spend a Sunday night.

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