Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Down, down, down, I go.
To secret, earthy places.
My lips blaze a trail,
my tongue follows.
Fingers come behind.
Clever, wicked fingers
that pluck and pinch and tweak.
You lay before me,
a landscape of hills and valleys,
and I feel small and nervous
as I explore.
As I wander.
As I go spelunking.
Your breath is wind,
your voice is thunder,
your climax like an earthquake.
I am washed away,
in a flood of pleasure,
left battered and gasping
and lost.
Utterly and completely,

Monday, March 27, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Alexander Iltorwen III

ALEXANDER ILTORWEN III, L20 Half-Elf  (10 Fighter/10 Ranger)

STR     20 (+5)
DEX    16 (+3)
CON   20 (+5)
INT     15 (+2)
WIS     15 (+2)
CHA   18 (+4)
HP       201
AC      20 (Breastplate & Shield w/FS: Defense)

Fey Ancestry.
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvin, Giant

Proficiencies: +6
Armor: All armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Woodworking tools, Land vehicles
Saves: Strength +11, Constitution +11
Skills: Animal Handling +8, Athletics +11, Intimidation +10, Perception +8, Stealth +9, Survival +8

Rustic Hospitality
* * *
Fighting Style: Archery
Second Wind
Action Surge
Martial Archetype: Champion
- Improved Critical
- Remarkable Athlete
- Additional Fighting Style: Defense
Extra Attack (+1)
Indomitable (1/rest)
* * *
Favored Enemy: Dragons, Giants
Natural Explorer: Arctic, Forest, Mountains
Fighting Style: Dueling
Ranger Archetype: Hunter
- Colossus Slayer
- Escape the Horde
Primeval Awareness
Extra Attack (+1)
Land’s Stride
Hide in Plain Sight

# of Spells: 6
Spell Save: 16
Atk Mod: +8
L1(4): Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns
L2(3): Lesser Restoration, Pass w/o Trace
L3(2): Conjure Barrage

Daggers(2). Melee. +11 to hit; deals 1d4 +7 piercing. Ranged, 20/60 ft. +13 to hit. Finesse, Light, Thrown.
Mace. Melee. +11 to hit; deals 1d6 +7 bludgeoning.
Longsword. Melee. +11 to hit; deals 1d8 +7 slashing. Versatile (1d10).
Longbow. Ranged, 150/600 ft. +11 to hit; deals 1d8 +3 piercing. Ammo, 2-handed, heavy.
Breastplate. Medium Armor. AC 14 + Dex Mod (max 2).
Shield. AC +2.

When the Draconic Empire invaded the westlands, they thought their conquest would be easy and swift.  They did not anticipate the presence and actions of heroes like Alexander Iltorwen III.
Alexander is the son of a half-elf family from Alindor, in the Southern Palatines. In his youth, he left Alindor to become an adventurer and see the world. He had many adventures and traveled all over Lore and even beyond it, to other planes of existence. However, there came a time when a comfy chair by the fire seemed more attractive than thwarting evil and saving the princess. After a long and successful career, Alexander retired from adventuring. He bought a vineyard in Alindor and enjoyed the life of a country squire. Occasionally, old friends would stop by and they would reminisce about ‘the good old days.’ Once or twice, Alex was asked to deal with a problem beyond the scope of the locals. When the green dragon, Elmordrel, fled south from Shrike and started raiding the countryside, Alexander put on his old fighting gear, marched into the woods and slew her. The locals are still grateful and have even commemorated Alexander’s victory with an annual celebration.
When the Draconic Empire marched on the west, the Southern Palatines prepared for war. Alexander was drafted to command the armies of Alindor. When the Draconic Legions turned south, they met fierce resistance from the local nation-states. Eventually, Alexander was placed in charge of the combined armies of the Southern Palatines as Grand General.
When Alexander learned that imperial wizards were preparing a ritual to summon the legendary tarasque, he personally led a small party that slipped past the imperial lines and disrupted the ritual. The wizards did manage to summon the tarasque, but they could not control the beast and it ravaged their forces before turning east and marching toward the empire.
Since then, Alexander’s reputation has only grown. There are rumors that the gentry and the common folk would submit to Alexander being crowned King of the South, a title that has not existed for almost a thousand years.
Alexander, however, has no interest in being a king. He wants to secure the South, then return to his vineyards and his humble life as a country squire. Whether fate would allow this to happen, however, is another question entirely.

Friday, March 24, 2017


Gray mist on the ground.
Willows weeping by the pond.
Something wicked comes.

Gray clouds gather now,
greasy raindrops fall to earth,
poisoning the land.

Can you hear that sound?
Heavy footfalls on wood steps.
The world holds its breath.

A knock on the door.
Sharp. Loud. Forceful. The frame shakes.
Something wicked waits.

Your heart skips a beat.
Your breath catches in your throat.
The knock comes again.

You approach the door.
Your skin feels hot and too tight.
Your hand grasps the handle.

You open the door,
onto black night and cold rain.
Death looks back at you.

Gray mist on the ground.
Something wicked leaves with you,
and the willows weep.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Comic Recs for 3/23/2017

Empowered is one of those books that is consistently good and also almost unheard of among the general population. That's a pity because it does a fine job of skewering super-type tropes in clever and humorous ways. The current story has Emp and gal-pal Ninjette facing off against the machinations of a magical girl gone rogue, using love as a weapon. This book is not for kids, but adults would love it. If I have a critique, it's that the art feels a bit inconsistent. 3 out of 4 stars.

FutureQuest is a great slice of nostalgia for fans of a certain age and a fun book for people who don't know anything about the Hannah-Barbera superhero universe. It brings together characters as diverse as Space Ghost, Frankenstein Jr., the Impossibles and the Herculoids as they battle a parasitic alien invader. Nice art. Great story. 4 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Belhar

BELHAR, L12 Dragonborn Cleric

STR     19 (+4)
DEX    14 (+2)
CON   14 (+2)
INT     12 (+1)
WIS     14 (+2)
CHA   11 (+0)
HP       87
AC      18 (Scale mail & Shield)

Draconic Ancestry: Bronze
Breath Weapon: Lightening
Damage Resistance: Lightening
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish

Proficiencies: +4
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple
Tools: None
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: History, Insight, Persuasion, Religion

Shelter of the Faithful
* * *
Divine Domain: Light
- Warding Flare
- Improved Flare
- Potent Spellcasting
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead, Radiance of the Dawn
Destroy Undead
Divine Intervention

# of Spells: 08
Spell DC: 14
Atk Mod: +6
At-Will(5): Light, Mending, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy
L1(4): burning hands, faerie fire, Guiding bolt, Healing word
L2(3): flaming sphere, scorching ray, Blindness, Lesser Restoration
L3(3): daylight, fireball, Create Food and Water, Dispel Magic
L4(3): guardian of faith, wall of fire, Divination
L5(2): flame strike, scrying, Greater Restoration

Mace. Melee. +8 to hit; deals 1d6 +4 bludgeoning.
Javelins(4). Ranged, 30/120 ft. +6 to hit; deals 1d6 +2 piercing.
Scale mail. Defense. AC 14 + Dex Mod (Max 2). Disadvantage on Stealth.
Shield. Defense. AC +2
A holy symbol, a priest’s pack, a prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch with 15gp.

Faith is a curious thing among the Draconic Empire’s dragonborn citizens. Although they acknowledge the gods, they have little interest in most of them, with the exception of Meleh and Sumet. The God of Battle and the God of War are almost universally worshipped in the empire. So when a dragonborn chooses to serve a deity, and they don’t choose Meleh and Sumet, it is viewed as somewhat . . . odd.
Belhar has served Enla, Goddess of the Sun, for decades. With the collapse of the imperial invasion and rumors of prophecy being fulfilled in the capital, Belhar has been sent west by his goddess.  He arrived in Shrike several weeks ago and has taken up residence in the local Temple of Enla, much to the confusion of the local accolytes and priests.
His mission is twofold: to spread the light of the sun-goddess among the people and to observe the dragonborn legions and report back to his superiors in the empire. There has been a growing resurgence of faith among the common folk of the empire. Many of the temples have started taking a stance against the empire’s military expansion, citing tales of corruption and violent excess among the legionaires. Belhar has been sent to observe the legionaires and report on his findings.
The dragonborn cleric finds himself in an awkward position. The legionaires are mostly dismissive of Belhar. Some have heard rumors of his mission and are openly hostile, questioning his loyalty to the empire. The priests of Meleh and Sumet view the other temples’ actions as an attempt to supplant their traditional place in imperial culture, and have coldly banned Belhar from their temples. His presence in Shrike has become a political hot potato for Governor Darrix, one she would rather not have to juggle at all. So far, the only person in the current occupational government who has welcomed Belhar is Araven Logos, the aasimar paladin.
Among the populace of Shrike, Belhar stands out from the other dragonborn priests they’ve met. He’s staying in the Temple of Enla in Rosewell, and is more than willing to talk about his goddess with anyone who asks. He’s also been generous with the use of his clerical gifts. The resistance is watching Belhar, having fereted out his mission in Shrike. They aren’t sure how to use that information yet, but until they do they’ve ordered that the sun-priest be left alone. At this point, any violent action against Belhar could have thunderous consequences for Shrike and the Draconic Empire.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Lady Ursera

LADY LOLA URSERA, L6 Human Noble Warlock

STR     09 (-1)
DEX    08 (-1)
CON   16 (+3)
INT     16 (+3)
WIS     14 (+2)
CHA   16 (+3)
HP       51
AC      12 (Armor of Shadows)

Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Proficiencies: +3
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple
Tools: Chess set
Saves: Wisdom +5, Charisma +6
Skills: Arcana +6, Deception +6, History +6, Persuasion +6

Position of Privilege
* * *
Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend
- Dark One’s Blessing
- Dark One’s Own Luck
Eldritch Invocations: Armor of Shadows, Mask of Many Faces, Voice of the Chain Master
Pact Boon: Pact of the Chain

# of Spells: 7
Spell DC: 14
Atk Mod: +6
At-Will(3): Eldritch blast, Friends, Prestidigitation
L1: Arms of Hadar, Command, Witch Bolt
L2: Crown of Madness, Misty Step
L3(2): Counterspell, Gaseous Form

Daggers(3). Melee. +2 to hit; deals 1d4-1 piercing. Finesse. Light. Ranged, 20/60 ft.
Quarterstaff. Melee. +2 to hit; deals 1d6-1 bludgeoning. Versatile(1d8).
An arcane focus., a scholar’s pack, a set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll of pedigree, a purse with 25 gp.
Dagger of Venom. Magic. Melee. +3 to hit; deals 1d4 piercing. You can use an action to cause thick, black poison to coat the blade. The poison remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature.  That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage and become poison for 1 minute. The dagger can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.

Lady Lola Ursera is one of the most influential, reviled and feared noblewomen in the city of Shrike. Born the daughter of a wealthy merchant, her father bought a title from a desperate nobleman, and arranged his daughter’s marriage to a moderately wealthy lordling.
The newly minted Lady Ursera received a dismal welcome from the nobles of Shrike. Ostracised by society because of her origins, Lady Ursera began a careful pogram against her enemies. Her actions brought her to the attention of a fiend, Onorel. Onorel made a deal with Lady Ursera, empowering her as a warlock in exchange for her service.
Over the years, the pact between Lady Ursera and Onorel has benefited both of them. Lady Ursera’s enemies have fallen before her, like wheat before a scythe, and Onorel has risen in the hierarchy of Hell.
Of course, the pact has not gone without its consequences. Lady Ursera’s granddaughter, Taline, bears the mark of her grandmother’s infernal curse. And rumors abound that Lady Ursera’s hands are red with the blood of her enemies.
Strangely, since Shrike fell to the Draconic Empire, Lady Ursera has become a powerful patron of the resistance.  She funnels money and resources to them through her servants, oftentimes right under the noses of the Draconic Legionaires who patrol the North Quarter. Many in the resistance don’t trust Lady Ursera, but they can’t afford to be picky. They need the resources she provides if they are to have any hope of freeing the city.
As for Lady Ursera’s motives? Who can say? Perhaps her patron has instructed her to help the resistance for his own motives? Perhaps Lady Ursera considers herself a noble daughter of Shrike? It’s more likely, though, that she’s playing a long game, setting things up for her benefit, somewhere down the line.  Given the empire’s history of executing anyone hell-touched, Lady Ursera’s actions could just be enlightened self interest.  It isn’t likely anyone will find out her motivations, until the lady herself reveals them.

Lux Tenebris: Dicel Anerok

DICEL ANEROK, L8 Half Orc Fighter

STR     20 (+5)
DEX    10 (+0)
CON   14 (+2)
INT     09 (-1)
WIS     10 (+0)
CHA   14 (+2)
HP       56
AC      18 (Chain mail & Shield)

Relentless Endurance.
Savage Attacks.
Languages: Common, Orc.

Proficiencies: +3
Armor: All armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Vehicles: Land, Dice
Saves: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Survival

* * *
Fighting Style: Dueling
Second Wind
Action Surge
Martial Archetype: Champion
- Improved Critical
- Remarkable Athlete
Extra Attack

Longsword. Melee. +8 to hit; deals 1d8 +7 slashing. Versatile (1d10).
Light x-bow. Ranged, 80/320 ft. +3 to hit; deals 1d8 piercing. Loading, 2-handed.
Chain mail. Defense. AC 16. Min Str 13. Disadvantage on Stealth.
Shield. Defense. AC +2.
An explorer’s pack, a momento from an old love, a set of bone dice, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch with 10gp.

Dicel Anerok’s mother was the daughter of an outcast orc warrior. He sold Dicel’s mother into bondage to a caravan master as a child. Dicel’s father could have been anyone along the caravan route, her mother never said. Dicel grew up in the caravan, as a sort of mascot among the guards and merchants. When her mother died, Dicel’s freedom was purchased by several of those same guards and merchants. To repay them, Dicel became a guard herself, selling her services to the caravans running between Shrike and the Southern Palatines. After some years, Dicel had acquired a tidy sum of money, enough for her to invest in a merchant enterprise in Shrike. Over the years, Dicel has become a formidable presence within the Brightcoin District as a merchant and moneylender. She was briefly married, but it didn’t work out, and Dicel lives alone in a large house on the northern edge of the district.
When Shrike surrendered to the Draconic Empire, trade was briefly disrupted. Dicel portioned out her resources very carefully, taking payment only in hard currency and extending credit to no one. Now that trade has begun to flow again, albeit between Shrike and the empire, Dicel is once again accepting letters of credit from reputable merchant houses and banking institutions.
A pragmatist, Dicel’s willingness to do business with anyone who can pay her in coin has turned some city hardliners against her. The resistance considers her a sympathizer, which has put a large target on Dicel’s home and businesses.  Governor Darrix finds the half-orc woman’s bluntness refreshing. 
Dicel doesn’t care. She’s not political. It doesn’t matter to her who is running Shrike, as long as they don’t interfere too much with her business ventures.  She looks after herself, her employees and her friends and neighbors.  Anyone who targets Dicel or her friends, imperial or resistance, would make enemies throughout Shrike and beyond that could cost them dearly.
Dicel, herself, is no push-over. She’s kept in shape and is probably better now with a sword then she was when she guarded the caravans.  Plus, her household consists of several seasoned veterans and fighters who would rally to her aid.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Dell Irondrake

DELL IRONDRAKE, L3 Hill Dwarf  Urban Ranger

STR     10 (+0)
DEX    13 (+1)
CON   14 (+2)
INT     09 (-1)
WIS     12 (+1)
CHA   12 (+1)
HP       31
AC      12 (Leather armor)

Dwarven Resilience.
Dwarven Toughness.

Proficiencies: +2
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Disguise kit, Mason’s tools, Thieves’ tools
Saves: Strength +2, Dexterity +3
Skills: Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3, Survival +3

City Secrets
* * *
Favored Enemy: Dragons
Natural Explorer: Cities
Fighting Style: Archery
Ranger Archetype: Hunter
- Colossus Slayer
Primeval Awareness

Shortswords(2). Melee. +3 to hit; deals 1d6 +1 piercing. Finesse, Light.
Longbow. Ranged, 150/600 ft; +5 to hit; deals 1d8 +1 piercing. Heavy. 2-Handed.
Leather armor. Light armor. AC 11 + Dex Mod.
A dungeoneer’s pack, a small knife, a map of the Shrike, a pet mouse, an old divination card bearing your likness, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch w/10gp.

Dell Irondrake is a hill dwarf from Moarae. He came to Shrike as a mercenary, hired by the city to help eliminate a green dragon called Elmordrel. Afterwards, Irondrake stayed in Shrike, where he set up shop in Two Pennies as an adventurer-for-hire.
Since the occupation, Irondrake has been considering his future. He’s been approached by the resistance, but hasn’t commited to them. Also, the dragonborn pay better and a dwarf’s got to eat. Right?

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Chancellor Naeldor

CHANCELLOR NAELDOR, L11 Half-Elf Sage & Wizard

STR     11 (+0)
DEX    10 (+0)
CON   12 (+1)
INT     17 (+3)
WIS     10 (+0)
CHA   10 (+0)
HP       62
AC      13 (Mage Armor)

Fey Ancestry
Languages: Celestial, Common, Elvish

Proficiencies: +4
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light x-bows
Tools: None
Saves: Intelligence +7, Wisdom +4
Skills: Arcana +7, History +7, Insight +4, Investigation +7, Persuasion +4, Religion +7

Arcane Recovery
Arcane Tradition: School of Abjuration
- Abjuration Savant
- Arcane Ward
- Projected Ward
- Improved Abjuration

# of Spells: 14
Spell DC: 15
Atk Mod: +7
At-Will(5): blade ward
L1(4): alarm, mage armor, protection from evil & good, shield
L2(3): arcane lock, Misty Step
L3(3): counterspell, dispell magic, nondetection
L4(3): banishment, Mordenkainen’s private sanctum, stoneskin
L5(2): planar binding
L6(1): globe of invulnerability

Quarterstaff. Melee; +4 to hit; deals 1d6 bludgeoning. Versatile (1d8).
A spellbook, a scholar’s pack,an arcane focus, a bottle of ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch with 10 gp.

Naeldor Greengrass, is the Chancellor of the University of Shrike. Naeldor’s father is a pureblooded elf from Goldsun. His mother was a human woman from the village of Greengate, outside of Shrike.  A frail child, Naeldor spent most of his youth indoors, escaping into books of history and lore.  He went on to become an academic, studying at the University of Shrike, Shadowhold and even the Adamantine Archive. During his studies, Naeldor discovered a talent for magic and became an abjurer wizard. He participated in a few adventures, in his youth, but preferred the quite life of academe.
Several years later, Naeldor returned to the University of Shrike as an instructor. Twenty years later, Naeldor became Chancellor.
When Shrike surrendered to the Draconic Empire, the University was shut down. After the first few weeks, Governor Darrix allowed the University to reopen, but under close supervision. Chancellor Naeldor has been drafted by the governor-general into becoming a part of her informal advisory committee. Initially reluctant to participate, his attitude changed after Darrix threatened to have the contents of the University library transported en mass back to the Draconic Empire.

The Chancellor cooperates with the governor-general for the sake of the University, its faculty and its students. However, that has not stopped him from providing quiet support to the Resistance. Chancellor Naeldor has contacts in unusual places, from the noble elf households of Goldsun and the master sages of the Adamantine Archive to the mercenary companies of Swordhold and Sallir. If the imperial governor ever carried out her threat, it is likely she and the forces occupying Shrike would discover Chancellor Naeldor is far more resourceful, and vengeful, than anyone imagined.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Halnor

HALNOR, L11 Goliath Hermit (Ranger 9/Druid 2)

STR     13 (+1)           
DEX    18 (+4)
CON   15 (+2)
INT     11 (+0)
WIS     14 (+2)
CHA   12 (+1)
HP       89
AC      15 (Leather armor)

Stone’s Endurance
Powerful Build
Mountain Born
Languages: Common, Druidic, Giant, Primordial

Proficiencies: +4
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Herbalism kit
Saves: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Medicine, Perception, Religion

* * *
Favored Enemy: Monstrosities, aberrations
Natural Explorer: Forest
FS: Archery
Ranger Archetype: Beast Master
- Ranger’s Companion
- Exceptional Training
Primeval Awareness
Extra Attack
Land’s Stride
* * *
Savage Attacker*
Wild Shape
Druid Circle: Circle of the Moon
- Combat Wild Shape
- Circle Forms

# of Spells: 06
Spell DC: 14
Atk Mod: +6
L1(4): Ensnaring Strike, Goodberry, Hail of Thorn
L2(3): Barkskin, Pass without a Trace
L3(2): Conjure Barrage

Longbow. Ranged, 150/600; +10 to hit; deals 1d8 +4 piercing. Heavy, 2-Handed.
Shortswords(2); Melee; +8 to hit; deals 1d6 +4 piercing. Finesse, Light.
Leather armor. Light armor. AC 11 + Dex Mod.
An explorer’s pack, a scroll case stuffed full of notes, a winter blanket, a set of common clothes, an herbalism kit, and 5gp.

Note: Druidic spellcasting was switched out in favor of Savage Attacker.

Halnor is a Goliath druid, the steward of the Amuntor Woods, which lie several miles northwest of Shrike. Slightly built, for a Goliath, Halnor assumed his role several years ago, simply appearing in the woods and declaring them under his protection. He proved to be affable enough to the folk who lived on the edge of the woods, but displayed a ferocious temper when a band of brigands tried to set up headquarters in his domain. The locals found their skinned corpses hanging from trees on the wood’s northern side. After that, Halnor seemed less ‘affable’ and more dangerous.
During the invasion, refugees from local villages sought shelter in the woods. Behind them came Draconic legionaires, intent on killing or enslaving them.  None who entered the woods returned and, eventually, invaders and locals alike learned to give the forest a wide berth.
Locals who live on the edge of the woods still encounter Halnor. He is less affable now, greeting them with warnings not to enter the woods. Most take his words to heart.
What Halnor hasn’t told anyone is that Amuntor Woods has become a gateway to a demiplane ruled by a powerful archfey called the Lord of the Dying Day.  Halnor’s arrival in the area was not happenstance; the druid was sent here by the Circle of Seasons, to ensure that no one disturbs the Lord of the Dying Day. So far, he has done his job admirably, aided by his lioness companion, Bhatere.
Halnor is observing the situation in Shrike carefully. If Amuntor Woods is threatened by either side, Halnor will step in. If necessary, he can call upon the Circle of Seasons for back-up. However, if the Lord of the Dying Day is disturbed, anything could happen.

Lux Tenebris: Logos

ARAVEN LOGOS, L12 Aasimar Paladin

STR     18 (+4)
DEX    13 (+1)
CON   14 (+2)
INT     10 (+0)
WIS     13 (+1)
CHA   17 (+3)
HP       89
AC      18 (Chain Mail & Shield)

Celestial Resistance.
Healing Hands
Light Bearer.
Radiant Soul.
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Primordial

Proficiencies: +4
Armor: All armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Saves: Wisdom +5, Charisma +7
Skills: Insight +5, Intimidation +7, Persuasion +7, Religion +4

Shelter of the Faithful
* * *
Divine Sense
Lay on Hands
FS: Protection
Divine Smite
Divine Health
Sacred Oath: Oath of the Ancients
- Channel Divinity: Nature’s Wrath, Turn the Faithless
- Aura of Warding
Extra Attack
Aura of Protection
Aura of Courage
Improved Divine Smite

# of Spells: 09
Spell DC: 15
Atk Mod: +7
L1(4): ensnaring strike, speak w/animals, command, compelled duel, divine favor
L2(3): moonbeam, misty step, aid, lesser restoration, magic weapon
L3(3): plant growth, protection from energy, crusader’s mantle, elemental weapon, remove curse

Longsword. Melee. +8 to hit; deals 1d8 +4 slashing. Versatile (1d10).
Spear. Melee. +8 to hit; deals 1d6 +4 piercing. Thrown, Range 20/60 ft. Versatile (1d8).
Chain Mail. Heavy armor. AC 16. Min Str 13. Disadv on Stealth.
Shield. AC +2
A holy symbol, a priest’s pack, a prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch with 15gp.

Araven Logos hails from the aasimar city of Pax. Given to the Temple of Sumet, the god of war, Logos was raised to be totally devoted to the deity and his precepts. However, a life of priestly service was not in the cards for Logos; instead, he was chosen by Sumet to serve as one of his paladins. 
In service to the war-god, Logos left the tranquility of Pax, and chose to serve among the Legions of the Draconic Empire. Despite his divinely endowed abilities, Logos never found a commanding officer truly worthy of his service until he met General Crakon Darrix. In her own way, Darrix was as great an outsider as Logos, although for different reasons. Over time, the two have forged a close friendship based on loyalty and mutual respect.
Logos serves as Darrix’s chief aid in the conquered city of Shrike. He knows that even for clever Darrix, overseeing Shrike has been difficult. The aasimar has made a point of being available to his commanding officer, to provide both tactical and moral advice when requested.
The legionaires assigned to Shrike view Darrix with trepidation and awe. Dragonborn acknowledge the gods, but do not venerate them. They do believe that the presence of god-touched among them indicate portentous events over the horizon. Whether those events are good or not remains to be seen.
The residents of Shrike view Logos’s presence among their conquerors with confusion. Aasimar are known to be the offspring of celestial beings, and Logos is a paladin as well. How can someone so intrinsically good serve their oppressors? Perhaps, some whisper, it was the will of the gods that Shrike fall to the empire?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

15,000 +

Hello, gentle readers!
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who's been checking out the blog lately. I just checked my stats and I've crossed the 15,000 hit mark. :)
I feel like I should do something here to note the number, but I can't think of anything right now.
Anyway, thanks to everyone out there for your support.
It is sincerely appreciated. ^_^

Monday, March 13, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Crakon Darrix

GOV-GENERAL CRAKON DARRIX, L11 Dragonborn Sage (Fighter 3/Bard 8)

STR     17 (+3)

DEX    11 (+0)
CON   14 (+2)
INT     11 (+0)
WIS     11 (+0)
CHA   20 (+5)
HP       84
AC      18 (Chain Mail & Shield)

Draconic Ancestry: Gold
Breath Weapon: Fire
Damage Resistance: Fire
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elvish

Proficiencies: +4
Armor: All armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Calligrapher’s supplies, Pipes
Saves: Strength +7, Constitution +6
Skills: Arcana +4, Athletics +7, Deception +9, History +4, Intimidation +13, Perception +4, Persuasion +13, Religion +4

* * *
Fighting Style: Dueling
Second Wind
Action Surge
Martial Archetype: Battle Master
- Combat Superiority
--Manuevers: Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Rally
--Superiority Dice (4d8)
--Manuever DC:
Student of War
* * *
Bardic Inspiration
Jack of All Trades
Song of Rest
Bard College: College of Lore
- Bonus Proficiencies
- Cutting Words
- Additional Magical Secrets
Font of Inspiration

# of Spells: 11
Spell DC: 17
Atk Mod: +9
At-Will (3): Friends, Prestidigitation, True Strike
L1 (4): Detect Evil & Good, Hunter’s Mark, Bane, Charm Person, Dissonant Whispers
L2 (3): Blindness/Deafness, Detect Thoughts, Suggestion
L3 (3): Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic
L4 (2): Greater Invisibility, Polymorph, Dimension Door

Quarterstaff. Melee. +7 to hit; deals 1d6 +5 bludgeoning. Versatile (d8).
Shortsword. Melee. +7 to hit; deals 1d6 +5 piercing. Finesse, Light.
Light x-bow. Ranged, 80/320 ft. +4 to hit; deals 1d8 piercing. Ammo, Loading, 2-handed.
Chain Mail. Heavy armor. AC 16. Min Str 13. Disadv on Stealth.
Shield. Armor. AC +2
An explorer’s pack, a bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a set of bone pipes, a set of common clothes, a pouch with 10gp.

The Darrix Clan hails from a remote southeastern city in the Draconic Empire. Its members are known for their intelligence and dedication. Most gravitate toward administrative duties, but some pursue other interests. Crakon Darrix’s choice to join the Imperial Legions was unusual, but her clan knew she would go far.
There faith in her has been confirmed. Crakon Darrix is the Governor-General of Shrike, appointed by the Emperor himself to oversee the imperial annexation of Shrike and its territories. New of her appointment came as a shock to some of her peers; they do not believe Crakon is hard enough to oversee the annexation and supress resistance. The Emperor and the High Council know better.
Crakon Darrix is a female of intelligence, poise and pragmatism. She knows that the real challenge is not holding onto Shrike and its territories, but it is rather to win the hearts and minds of the inhabitants. To that end, she governs the region with an even hand, enforcing imperial law while trying to convince Shrike’s residents of the benefits of imperial citizenship.
Her arguments have not been completely dismissed. Trade is starting to flow into Shrike again, bringing commerce into the Brightcoin District. The restrictions on the University have been lightened, although Crakon is quick to quash any attempt at rabble-rousing or incitement to rebellion among its students or faculty. She has reached out to the Archchancellor, the local priests and even some of the more receptive local nobility, attempting to draw them together into an informal advisory committee. This last has met with mixed results.
Charming and intelligent, Governor Crakon is a loyal imperial citizen and a soldier. She prefers subtlety but can be brutal when necessary. Imperial law is harsh and Crakon has no qualms about dispensing it. This has not made her popular in certain quarters of the city.
Fortunately, Crakon has the wise counsel of her aasimar companion, Areven Logos, to assist her in her duties.

Lux Tenebris: Shrike

Before the Invasion, the city of Shrike was best known for its university. Since the Invasion, Shrike is now better known as the first city to surrender to the Draconic Empire. The city of 18,000 people is now occupied by the Draconic Empire and has become a fallback point for the imperial legions as they withdraw from the West.

The empire has fortified the city, and fresh troops are constantly arriving at Shrike. Any hope the citizens had that they could overthrow the occupying army has quickly died. That said, an organized resistance has sprung up, but so far their efforts have been devoted to gathering intelligence and trying to establish safe routes West to transfer their intelligence to someone who could use it.

Shrike is currently ruled by Governor-General Crakon Darrix.  She governs the city with a firm hand, in anticipation of the day when it is formally annexed into the Draconic Empire.

Shrike has six districts.

The Brightcoin District is the mercantile heart of the city.  During the siege, the Brightcoin District was fairly quiet, but as the occupation continues, a semblance of life has returned to this district.

The North Quarter. Shrike’s wealthy families reside in the North Quarter. The area is heavily patrolled by the occupying Draconic forces, and the quarter’s noble residents have had to provide hostages to the occupying forces to ensure their good behavior.

Rosewell is a pleasant, mostly residential, neighborhood. The residents are mostly working class persons. It is also the site of the Temple of Lukrym, the God of Life.

Spearshield District is the oldest part of the city. It holds the city’s administrative offices as well as the headquarters of the Guard and the Watch.  Governor Darrix’s headquarters is located here, as well as the new Imperial Court.

Two Pennies. Wedged between the Brightcoin District and the University District is the area called Two Pennies.  Two Pennies is the home of Shrike’s poorest residents. Crime and violence are rife in the city, and there is a strong Draconic presence in the neighborhood.

The University District is the home of the University of Shrike. The university is what put Shrike on the map; it is considered one of the finest learning institutions in the Westlands and is largely responsible for the city’s prosperity.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Capt. Abel Brine

CAPT. ABEL BRINE, L9 Stout Halfling Pirate & Eldritch Knight

STR     15 (+2)
DEX    20 (+5)
CON   16 (+3)
INT     11 (+0)
WIS     14 (+2)
CHA   11 (+0)
HP       78
AC      16 (Leather armor)

Halfling Nimbleness
Stout Resilience
Languages: Common, Halfling

Proficiencies: +4
Armor: All armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Navigator’s tools, Vehicles: Water
Saves: Strength +6, Constitution +7
Skills: Athletics +6, Intimidation +4, Perception +6, Survival +6

Bad Reputation
* * *
FS: Archery
Second Wind
Action Surge
Martial Archetype: Eldritch Knight
- Weapon Bond
Extra Attack

# of Spells: 6
Spell DC: 12
Atk Mod: +4
At-Will(2): Firebolt, Ray of Frost
L1(4): Healing Word, Magic Missile, Thunderwave
L2(2): Gust of Wind, Scorching Ray, Shatter

Shortbow. Ranged, 80/320 ft; +11 to hit; deals 1d6 +5 piercing. 2-handed. Weapon Bond.
Daggers(3). Melee; +9 to hit; deals 1d4 +5 piercing. Ranged, 20/60 ft.
Scimitar. Melee; +9 to hit; deals 1d6 +5 slashing. Finesse, Light. Weapon Bond.
Leather armor. Defense. AC 11 + Dex Mod.
An explorer’s pack, a belaying pin, 50 ft of silk rope, a lucky charm, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch with 10gp.

Captain Abel Brine is the owner/captain of The Little Bastard.  Both ship and master have a dubious reputaiton in the waters around the coast, a reputation that follows them to Avoree when they put in for repairs or resupply. Brine does very little trade in Avoree, but when he does he pays in good gold.
There are rumors that Brine is, or was, a pirate. The halfling doesn’t encourage such speculation. He and his crew can become quite unpleasant at the mere mention of the rumors.
Folk on Avoree aren’t particularly impressed with Captain Brine or his crew. People still talk about the time Hellhammer beat three of Brine’s half-orc crew on his own. After that incident, Brine and his crew were banned from The Laughing Dolphin. Now, when they come ashore they can usually be found at Avoree’s only other bar, The Gull’s Rest.
During the invasion, Brine was absent from the island. When he and his ship did reappear, the rumor was that he was off raiding vessels down the coast.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Lux Tenebris: Hellhammer

HELLHAMMER, L6 Mountain Dwarf Champion

STR     20 (+5)
DEX    12 (+1)
CON   15 (+2)
INT     10 (+0)
WIS     13 (+1)
CHA   10 (+0)
HP       56
AC      16 (Chain Mail)

Dwarven Resilience.
Speed: 25 feet
Languages: Dwarvish, Common.

Proficiencies: +3
Armor: All armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Smith’s tools
Saves: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Survival

Military Rank
* * *
FS: Greatweapon Fighting
Second Wind
Action Surge
Martial Archetype: Champion
- Improved Critical
Extra Attack

Lifetaker. Magic weapon. Rare. Requires attunement. Great axe. Melee. +8 to hit; deals 1d12 +5 slashing; Heavy, 2-handed. Every time Lifetaker deals damage to a creature, the wielder gains temporary hip points equal to half the damage dealt, rounded down.
Mace. Melee. +8 to hit; deals 1d6 +5 bludgeoning.
Dagger. Melee; +8 to hit; deals 1d4 +5 piercing; Ranged, 20/60 ft.
Chain Mail. Defense. AC 16. Min Str 13. Disadvantage on Stealth.

The dwarf called Hellhammer is the bouncer at the Laughing Dolphin Tavern. He’s seldom employed in that capacity, however, much to the relief of everyone who frequents the tavern.
Hellhammer arrived on Avoree roughly fifteen years ago. He stepped off the Cheshire’s gangplank, dropped to his knees and kissed the earth, swearing he would never set foot on a ship ever again. Although he initially worked as a dock hand, Hellhammer eventually gravitated to the Laughing Dolphin, where Brenna Hallowkin hired him as bouncer and general peacekeeper. Hellhammer proved extremely well-suited to the position. People still talk about the time he trounced three lumbering half-orcs.
Hellhammer has never said why he came to Avoree and the locals don’t ask. He sleeps above the bar, and some people say that on quiet nights you can hear the fierce dwarf screaming in his sleep. To date, no one has had the courage to ask him about his nightmares.
Hellhammer is best friends with Alvaric Hallowkin, the mayor of Avoree. The two often play cards inside the tavern. He was also fond of the dragonborn bard, Silverscale, and was quick to leap to her defense when mainlander refugees accused her of being a Draconic spy.

When Silverscale decided to return to the Empire, Hellhammer insisted on accompanying her as friend and guard. The dwarf has since returned to Avoree. People who know him, have commented that he seems more thoughtful lately. He has been seen on the beach, great axe slung over his shoulder, staring north across the ocean toward distant Nur a pensive expression on his usually dour face.

Lux Tenebris: Alvaric Hallowkin


STR     09 (-1)
DEX    14 (+2)
CON   13 (+1)
INT     10 (+0)
WIS     12 (+1)
CHA   16 (+3)
HP       22

Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish, Primordial

Proficiencies: +3
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light x-bows
Tools: Herbalism kit
Saves: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Arcana, Intimidation, Medicine, Religion

* * *
Sorcerous Origin: Storm Sorcery
- Wind Speaker
- Tempestuous Magic
Font of Magic

# of Spells: 6
Spell DC: 14
Atk Mod: +6
At-Will(5): Acid Splash, Light, Mending, Ray of Frost, Shocking Grasp
L1(4): Fog Cloud, Mage Armor
L2(3): Alter Self, Gust of Wind
L3(2): Lightening Bolt, Water Breathing

Light x-bow.
Arcane focus.
A dungeoneer’s pack, a scroll case stuffed with notes, a winter blanket, a set of common clothes, an herbalism kit and 5gp.

*Discovery feat was traded for the Lucky feat.

Alvaric Hallowkin fled to Avoree from the city of Moontree. Rumored to be the son of a wealthy merchant family, his reasons for fleeing to Avoree remain shrouded in mystery. On the island, Alvaric’s natural charisma and intelligence eventually led the residents to elect him mayor of their small community. Alvaric accepted, a bit reluctantly, but has served capably as Avoree’s mayor for the last two decades.
Alvaric is the husband of Brenna Hallowkin, the owner and bartender of The Laughing Dolphin Tavern. He is absolutely besotted with his wife, even after twenty years together. Hellhammer has become one of Alvaric’s closest friends, and he was also very fond of Silverscale during her time on the island.
During the invasion of the mainland by the Draconic Empire, Alvaric employed his storm-sorcery to keep Avoree as safe as possible. Uniting with other local magic users, they performed a ritual to surround the island with a ring of storms.  It was largely successful, although it did not prevent the dragonborn clerics from coming to the isle and meeting with Silverscale.
Since the invasion’s end, Alvaric and his associates have sought to undo their storm-magic, but with limited success.  The magical storm rings they created seem to have become semi-permanent. Alvaric continues to search for a way to completely undo the magic. In the meantime, he continues to govern Avoree with a light hand.

Lux Tenebris: Brenna Hallowkin

BRENNA HALLOWKIN, L4 Water Genasi Fighter

STR     10 (+0)
DEX    10 (+0)
CON   16 (+3)
INT     09 (-1)
WIS     10 (+0)
CHA   10 (+0)
HP       37
AC      14 (Breastplate)

Swim (30 ft).
Resistance: Acid
Languages: Common, Primordial

Proficiencies: +2
Armor: All armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Navigator’s tools, Vehicles: Water
Saves: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Athletics, Perception, Survival

Ship’s Passage
* * *
FS: Defense
Second Wind
Action Surge
Martial Archetype: Champion
- Improved Critical

At-Will: Shape Water
1/Day: Create or Destroy Water

Scimitar. Melee. +2 to hit; deals 1d6 slashing. Finesse, Light.
Light x-bow. Ranged, 80/320 ft. +1 to hit; deals 1d8 piercing. Load, 2-handed.
Breastplate. Defense. AC 14 + Dex Mod (2 max)
Shield. Defense. AC +2.
An explorer’s pack, a belaying pin, 50 ft of silk rope, a lucky charm, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch with 10gp.

Brenna Hallowkin is the owner and bartender of The Laughing Dolphin Tavern on Avoree.  She’s a water genasi who, before settling on Avoree, traveled the world as a sailor. Her genasi attributes made her a welcome addition to most ship’s crews. Eventually, though, Brenna chose to settle on Avoree. She built the Laughing Dolphin, married her husband and started a family. She welcomed the dragonborn bard, Silverscale, and the two became good friends.

When the Draconic Invasion began and mainland refugees fled to Avoree, Brenna was quick to defend Silverscale against their accusations. She was as surprised as everyone else when Silverscale’s history was revealed. When Silverscale left Avoree, Brenna told the bard she would always have a place at the Laughing Dolphin.

Lux Tenebris: Silverscale

SILVERSCALE, L5 Dragonborn Bard

STR     12 (+1)
DEX    15 (+2)
CON   14 (+2)
INT     13 (+1)
WIS     07 (-2)
CHA   18 (+4)
HP       38
AC      13 (Leather armor)

Draconic Ancestry: Silver
Breath Weapon: Cold
Damage Resistance: Cold
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish, Halfling

Proficiencies: +3
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple, Hand x-bows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
Tools: Drum, Lute, Viol
Saves: Dexterity +5, Charisma +7
Skills: Arcana +4, Athletics +4, Deception +7, History +4, Performance +10, Persuasion +10, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5

* * *
Bardic Inspiration (d8)
Jack of All Trades
Song of Rest (d6)
Bard College: College of Lore
- Bonus Proficiencies
- Cutting Words
Font of Inspiration

# of Spells: 08
Spell DC: 15  
Atk Mod: +7
At-Will (3): Dancing light, Friends, Vicious Mockery
L1(4): Charm person, Disguise self, Healing word, Thunderwave
L2(3): Enthrall, Invisibility, Knock
L3(2): Dispell magic, Nondetection

Shortsword. Melee. +5 to hit; deals 1d6 +2 piercing. Finesse, Light.
Hand x-bow w/20 bolts. Ranged, 30/120 ft; +5 to hit; deals 1d6 +2 piercing. Light, Loading.
Leather armor. Defense. AC 11 + Dex Mod.
An entertainer’s pack, a lute, a bottle of ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a colleague, a set of common clothes, a flower pressed into an etiquette book, a belt pouch with 10gp.

Just off the southwestern coast of Nur is the island of Avoree. Known as a haven for outcasts, Avoree became the home of the dragonborn bard called Silverscale quite a few years ago. Easily recognized by her unique appearance, Silverscale became a fixture at The Laughing Dolphin Tavern. When asked what had brought her to Avoree, Silverscale became evasive and would usually excuse herself.  Residents did note that Silverscale avoided other dragonborn who came to the island. The few times the bard did encounter her own kind, they seemed to result in unpleasant exchanges.
During the Draconic Invasion, Avoree remained largely unaffected. The Draconic Empire did not have a large navy and their invasion was concerned primarily with the mainland. Refugees fleeing to Avoree were shocked by Silverscale’s presence and she was accused of being a Draconic spy. Locals rallied to Silverscale’s defense and her accusers were driven from Avoree.
Not long afterward, a Draconic airship landed on the island. The occupants were dragonborn priests, who had come specifically for Silverscale.  They revealed that Silverscale was the subject of a religious prophecy; that she would restore the soul of the Draconic Empire and lead them to new glories.
Realizing that if she returned home she could possibly stop the war, Silverscale reluctantly left Avoree.  Returning to the Draconic Empire, Silverscale used her status to garner an audience with the Draconic Emperor.  She argued that the invasion was immoral, that the empire would gain nothing but enmity from invading the west, and that the dragonborn had become so fixated on material success and martial power that their inner-selves, their hearts and souls, were withering away. 
Although Silverscale’s argument failed to persuade the Emperor, she was able to influence certain members of the High Council who already had doubts re the invasion. Those doubts were proven correct when the Westlands rallied, and the overextended imperial legions began to lose ground. A strategic withdrawal was ordered, and the Draconic Invasion came to an end.
Afterwards, Silverscale opted to remain in the empire, in the hope that she could guide her people onto a less militant path.

Lux Tenebris: Raul Sybrow

RAUL SYBROW, L12 Human Paladin
STR     20 (+5)
DEX    08 (-1)
CON   13 (+1)
INT     11 (+0)
WIS     11 (+0)
CHA   16 (+3)
HP       88
AC      19 (Plate armor & FS: Defense)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish, Gnomish

Proficiencies: +4
Armor: All armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: None
Saves: Wisdom +4, Charisma +7
Skills: Arcana +4, History +4, Persuasion +7, Religion +4

Divine Sense
Lay on Hands
FS: Defense
Divine Smite
Divine Health
Sacred Oath: Oath of Devotion
- Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon, Turn the Unholy
- Aura of Devotion
Extra Attack
Aura of Protection
Aura of Courage
Improved Divine Smite

# of Spells: 9
Spell DC: 15
Atk Mod: +7
L1(4): protection from evil and good, sanctuary, Bless, Searing smite, Thunderous smite, Wrathful smite
L2(3): lesser restoration, zone of truth, Branding smite, Magic Weapon
L3(3): beacon of hope, dispel magic, Crusader’s Mantle, Daylight, Remove Curse

Greatsword. Melee. +9 to hit; deals 2d6 +4 slashing; Heavy, 2-handed.
Mace. Melee. +9 to hit; deals 1d6 +5 bludgeoning.
Plate armor. Defense. AC 18. Min Str 18; Disadvantage on Stealth
Holy symbol.
Explorer’s pack.

Lilah and Raul Sybrow emerged from the landscape surrounding Moontree, after that city had been devastated by the Draconic invasion.  As the Draconic Legions withdrew from the city, the Sybrows organized the surviving residents into a guerrila force to harry the enemy. Afterwards, the Sybrows were chosen by Moontree’s residents as their new leaders. No one in Moontree knows that an heir to the title of Lord Moontree still lives, and is a member of the adventuring party, Lux Tenebris. How this lost heir will react to discovering he is no longer needed, or wanted, remains unknown.

Lux Tenebris: Lilah Sybrow

LILAH SYBROW, L11 Human (Monk 6/Druid 5)

STR     09 (-1)
DEX    16 (+3)
CON   12 (+1)
INT     11 (+0)
WIS     14 (+2)
CHA   11 (+0)
HP       88
AC      15 (Unarmored Defense)

Languages: Common, Druidic, Infernal, Orc

Proficiencies: +4
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Shortswords
Tools: Herbalism kit, Woodcarvers’ tools
Saves: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Acrobatics, Medicine, Religion, Stealth

Unarmored Defense
Martial Arts
Ki (6pts)
Unarmored Movement (45 ft)
Monastic Tradition: Way of the Open Hand
- Open Hand Technique
- Wholeness of Body
Deflect Missiles
Slow Fall
Extra Attack
Stunning Strike
Ki-Empowered Strikes
* * *
Wild Shape
Druid Circle: Circle of the Moon
- Combat Wild Shape
- Circle Forms

# of Spells: 07
Spell DC: 14
Atk Mod: +6
At-Will(3): Druidcraft, Shillelah, Thorn Whip
L1(4): Animal Friendship, Goodberry, Thunderwave
L2(3): Darkvision, Moonbeam
L3(2): Call Lightening, Dispel Magic

Shortsword. Melee. +7 to hit; deals 1d6 +3 piercing. Finesse, Light.
Darts (10). Ranged, 20/60ft; +7 to hit; deals 1d4 +3 piercing. Finesse, Thrown
Dungeoneer’s pack.

*Discovery feature was replaced with the Tough feature.

Lilah and Raul Sybrow emerged from the landscape surrounding Moontree, after that city had been devastated by the Draconic invasion.  As the Draconic Legions withdrew from the city, the Sybrows organized the surviving residents into a guerrila force to harry the enemy. Afterwards, the Sybrows were chosen by Moontree’s residents as their new leaders. No one in Moontree knows that an heir to the title of Lord Moontree still lives, and is a member of the adventuring party, Lux Tenebris. How this lost heir will react to discovering he is no longer needed, or wanted, remains unknown.