Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Odekor - Day 20

Player Classes - Part Two

Paladins. Clerics are rare, but paladins are nonexistent. None of the Common Races are inclined to go about thwarting evil for its own sake.  That said, it’s possible that a kenku druid or a kobold cleric might decide to take a level in paladin, but not very likely.  The only Odekor races that I can think of that might produce a paladin would be half-dragons or dwarves.

Rangers.  Given the fact that much of the planet has been reduced to a wild state, rangers would have an important role in the new world.  Aarakocra citadels would want to know the number and disposition of the creatures near their territories, as would the troglodytes.  Gnomes would want to know who or what is skulking about their villages, and wandering kobold tribes would want to know what dangers lie ahead.  Kenku would have a natural affinity for this class with their Wisdom and Dexterity scores.

Rogues. After fighters, rogues are the most popular class among the Common Races. Kobolds make excellent rogues, thanks to their natural Dexterity, as do aarakocra.  Some kenku cultivate stealth, especially monks of the Way of Shadows.  Gnomish charisma makes that race particularly adept at deception and persuasion.  Troglodytes already have a natural stealth-like ability to hide, so a troglodyte rogue specializing in assassination would be absolutely terrifying.

Sorcerers.  Since the War and the godstorms, Odekor is saturated in supernatural energies. Sorcerers are fairly common, particularly those whose powers originate from Wild Magic. Draconic bloodline sorcerers are extremely rare and would only be found among half-dragons.
Among the Common Races, sorcery is most common among the gnomes.

Warlocks.  The Seven Hells are a wasteland. To those who know, the Fey have greater concerns now than Odekor. Things From Beyond stir beyond the Outer Planes and actively seek those who can give them greater access to the Inner Planes.  All that said, warlocks are a rare breed on Odekor.  Some minor devils did flee to Odekor, but whether any of them have the power to spare to a warlock remains unknown.  The Archfey might be interested in having agents on Odekor, given their own problems, and, as noted above the Things From Beyond are definitely interested in the Material Planes.  Warlocks should be rare among the Common Races, and uncommon among the others.  It’s possible that new Patrons might appear: demons seeking to expand the chaos currently gripping the planes, powerful djinn living in exile, the Lord of Order seeking agents to curtail the spread of chaos.

Wizards. Before the War wizardry occupied a curious place on Odekor. Arcane magic was viewed with distrust by the Empire and the Cardinal Church. Its study and use was tightly controlled, restricted to only the most trusted individuals.  Most of it was practical, employed in the creation of imperial weapons, such as the dragonships, and the network of portals that once linked all five continents. Wizards were necessary, but never completely trusted.
Since the War, few people have had the time or resources necessary to study wizardry. Some, however, have managed to find fragments of spellbooks and wizards are popping up everywhere.
Gnomes, of course, are innately magical and their Intelligence makes them naturally adept at wizardry. The gnome wizard has practically become a stereotype among Odekor’s survivors. The fact that gnomes are, universally, insane, makes gnome wizards universally feared and respected.
Kobolds are fascinated by arcane magic but never had any opportunity to really study it. The kenku, on the other hand, had ample opportunity to study wizardry, but have a stronger affinity for the more spiritual magics associated with druids and monks.  Aarakocra hold wizards, as a class, in no special regard; they prefer straight-up fighters, but certainly won’t turn away someone who can hurl lighting bolts.  As for the troglodytes? They tend to eschew magic, viewing it as seductive and untrustworthy; among them, wizards are viewed as sometimes necessary, but never trustworthy.

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